Serenity Respite
Serenity Respite
Let us introduce you to Serenity Respite
So let us introduce you to Serenity Respite enabling you to see for yourself how we differ from other respite care services out there.
Our 4-bedroomed property, in Chester, has a beautiful and relaxed feel; it is a very special place that feels like home from home, there are no huge spaces, just cosy, lovely rooms, that feel so friendly and sociable. Serenity Respite has been furnished and equipped with love and care and designed with thoughtful touches and attention to detail in every room, ensuring that a Guests’ time with us is as comfortable as possible.

If you are unable to get to visit us in Cheshire, do not be disheartened, instead, please head to ‘get in touch’ to see how you can access our other services.
When we open our doors, we will be offering a mix of both pre-booked dates and the ability for family carers to be able to book a session on the day itself. How many times have you woken and wished that you could just have a break -that you don’t have to provide care that day? Maybe you have opened the curtains and thought how lovely the weather is and you just wished you could take yourself off for the day, or if you are lucky enough as a full-time carer to still have your friends reach out to you… Wouldn’t it be great to be able to say to them that you have now found a place that your loved-one enjoys going to and it means you can meet up for lunch or have an evening at the theatre? Serenity Respite is determined to be that place for you, recognising that unpaid carers work hard, are exhausted and are never off duty; it is 24/7, 365 days of the year… Unpaid caregivers deserve time out… As full-time caregivers it is time to find ourselves again and have moments throughout the month that we are not only a carer, we are a person with our own identity. Our dreams can become a reality and we can have all of this without feeling guilty, knowing our loved-ones will also be having a wonderful time as a Guest spending their time in Serenity Respite. We need this, and for the guilt not to exceed our need.
It can be very difficult for a caregiver to acknowledge that they need help, and certainly in terms of respite care; trusting and giving responsibility to another, and because we can feel we are letting our loved-one down, that they will hate it and wondering how we could possibly enjoy our care-free time. We completely understand it, we have been there, our respite care service is designed around these exact feelings, the guilt and concerns. This is why at Serenity Respite we are dedicated to welcoming all of our Guests and pay particular attention to settling them, and facilitating the formation of friendships. These things are essential so that you, their loved-one, has peace of mind and can then enjoy your much needed break.
We are here to help you and be with you every step of the way
There are a couple of other things for you to consider when thinking about respite care for your loved-one. Firstly, remember, it is completely normal to need a break; we all need one. That is why employers allow annual leave, needing timeout is needed for our well-being.
There is a way of successfully introducing the subject of respite care to your loved-one. Remember, you are not asking for permission, you are meeting the needs of you both. When thinking of children, do you know any parent / carer who said to their child that they didn’t have to go to nursery because they were upset and didn’t want to go! No, they were still taken there because it was the best for the parent and in turn, their well-being.

We would always encourage booking a half or full day respite session with us before booking overnight stays; doing this will lessen any overwhelm. Allowing a person to become familiar with a place and routines is helpful in settling anybody, even a person with Dementia, they may not remember a place in detail, but they will remember how a place / person made them feel. It is widely accepted that a person with Dementia will deteriorate with any change, so the challenge is for them to become familiar and enjoy a place, so that in time, with regular respite and it becoming a familiar, even if not remembered, routine, it will not feel like change and will therefore lessen the chances of deterioration.
If financial circumstances do not allow for paying privately for respite care, then it is likely you are entitled to financial support in order for your loved-one to have respite care and for you to have a much-needed break. Such financial support comes from your Local Authority and can be paid directly to the respite care provider or as a Direct Payment to the person choosing the respite care option. The latter option allows you / the person needing care to source the best option for them and not just opting for the cheapest service provider.