Serenity Respite




8.30am – 1.30pm


2pm – 7pm.

5 hours in total




8.30am – 7pm

10.5 hours in total


Overnight stay only


8.15pm – 8.15am

12 hours in total


Overnight Package


This is when the overnight is attached to day care (the overnight and day care must be booked at the same time for the £110.00 to apply)


Fees are reviewed 6-monthly and any increases are usually in line with inflation increases. In the event of any increases, prices will be honoured from the time of booking.

For more information email or phone 077 9 64 9 123 6 between 10am – 10pm

Payment Methods, Terms and Conditions, including the cancellation / refund policy of Serenity Respite

Full payment must be made at the time of booking. Payment must have cleared, in full, if you are booking in advance.

You can pay Serenity Respite by bank transfer (using our Calendly booking and payment system) paying with income or savings (both known as self-funding) or by Direct Payment you have received from the Local Authority -specifically given to purchase services as part of the support package, which can cover respite care costs.

Please let us know if you need a link to be able to make the payment from your bank to pay Serenity Respite.

Direct Payments allow a person to receive cash payments directly from their Local Authority instead of care services receiving it. This ultimately gives you much more flexibility and greater control of your support package. 

Please note, in the event of emergency, if your Local Authority is happy to pay Serenity Respite directly, without us going through their tendering process, then we are happy to accept their Direct Payment. This however is our only exception; any other time and the Direct Payment must come from the person in receipt of the said Direct Payment.

If you are booking a respite place on the day itself, the payment must be made via bank transfer before attending, or in cash, on arrival.

If you have been gifted a Serenity Respite Gift Voucher, you must specify this and give the gift voucher code number at the time of booking. Gift Vouchers must be used within 3 months of the purchase date.

For more information email or phone 077 9 64 9 123 6 between 10am – 10pm

Cancellation / Refund Policy

Full refunds shall be honoured if 7+ clear days of notice to cancel have been given.
Between 25-hours and 7-days notice to cancel, if the respite place is naturally filled, you will receive a full refund, if it requires Serenity Respites’ time to fill the respite place, a 50% refund will be honoured.
No refunds will be given if the cancellation happens within 24-hours of the respite place being cancelled.

Note, Serenity Respite can cancel all respite sessions, without prior notice. This will only happen due to staff shortage (unsafe levels of staffing), or in line with our infection control policy, or in the event of a pandemic, or on instruction from the government. If Serenity Respite needs to cancel, with or without prior notice, a full refund will be given.

Please note, nobody should be attending the property (including prospective Guests coming to be cared for) if there is any chance they could be carrying a transferable infection / illness / virus. A person will not be welcomed into the property if they are showing signs of a transferable condition.

Also note if your loved-one becomes ill whilst staying with us, an attempt will be made to return them to you at home and the remainder of their stay will be rescheduled. If this is not possible, essential and supervisory care shall be given to them in their allocated room, until they are no longer contagious. Whilst caring for your poorly loved-one, staff will be in full PPE to minimise and help prevent the risk of spread. If it is an airborne infection, your loved-one will be requested to wear a disposable face mask (unless sleeping or eating), provided by Serenity Respite.

Contents insurance

The property, including bedrooms are fully furnished. Guests are welcome to bring small personal items, though we would advise against anything of great value. Despite trying our best to safe guard against items going walk-about or being damaged, we are unable to accept responsibility for items that are lost or damaged, so please arrange suitable contents insurance for any items brought into the property. We would also recommend creating an inventory list, especially for any items of concern.

For Guests staying overnight, all 4 bedrooms have locked doors (thumb turn from the inside). 3 of the bedrooms have lockable wardrobes and the 4th bedroom has a lockable cupboard.

Day Guests are able to have their bagged belongings locked in the staff room.