Serenity Respite
Care Services
How Serenity Respite can help you
Providing you with a much-needed life-line
Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and isolated as a full-time unpaid caregiver? You are certainly not alone.
Welcome to Serenity Respite Care Services, we are a respite service who provides you with a much-needed life-line and ways of coping so that you can successfully continue to care for your loved one(s). You can relax knowing your adult loved-one is receiving fantastic care and loving their time spent with us in your time of need, without you feeling guilty; whether that be you are taking a break from providing 24/7 care and have arranged planned respite to cover your short break, allowing you much needed time for yourself or maybe it is worst case scenario; any unpaid caregivers’ greatest fear, and your loved-one has had to come to us in your time of emergency.
Respite care with Serenity Respite Care Services can range from half a day in Chester, to a stay of a few weeks, in both Cheshire, or around the UK in your own home; either option can make a huge difference to you, bring you peace and help prevent burnout.
There is no clocking off from the care you are providing, unpaid carers do not get a break unless making respite a priority. So, make respite your number one priority, this way you will be prioritising your well-being and in turn your top priority, your loved one, will be having the fulfilling life you wish for them whilst you recharge your batteries.

Respite care is helpful for many reasons, it allows a loved-one’s caregiver to have a much-needed short break; maybe to meet up with friends or family, sometimes just a few hours are needed, either way, this can save a care arrangement of caregiving at home, not to break down because of complete overwhelm. Respite care is perfect for holiday cover when your loved-one is unable to go with you. It is brilliant to allow a caregiver to go away on business, or when having work done to your home and there will be a week or two of disruption. Respite care is also great to support recuperation following a period of illness or stay in hospital -for either yourself or your loved-one, and not to be forgotten, it is a brilliant way for meeting your loved-ones social needs; social interaction is something that can slowly ebb away as friends and family disappear.
So yes, welcome to Serenity Respite, a wonderful, purpose designed, respite care service for adults of all ages (18+upwards). Serenity Respite is not a nursing facility, but all other care and support is provided in a warm, loving and vibrant environment. Any Guest in our care will need to be mobile, although support will be given if required.
For more information email or phone 077 9 64 9 123 6 between 10am – 10pm